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Oct. 27, 2017:
Ran’s Interview at Paul’s Security Weekly
A few weeks back I visited Paul asadoorian’s studio in Rhodes Island, and talked about the history of computer malware – in particular, the infamous Morris Worm, which I wrote about in my 3rd book, ‘Battle of Minds’. More malware history at the Malicious.Life podcast.
Jul. 16, 2017:
THE AIDAN PROJECT: ‘Downloading a President’
I once again had the pleasure of being interviewed on THE AIDAN PROJECT podcast, this time about the latest US election and Russia’s possible attempt to influence its results. Aidan and I discuss the Russian hacking and/or cyber-meddling, and whether this type of outside interference can be stopped or whether it will also affect the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Listen to the interview –
Audio PlayerJune 29, 2017:
We’re Back
With the latest episode released, we’ll be returning to our usual release schedule soon. Thanks for your patience! Ran
Mar. 23, 2017:
A Quick Update
Hi, All! Just wanted to say that I know I’m running a bit late with the next episode. It’s already written – but I’m currently working on a new podcasting project (a very exciting one – I’ll be able to reveal more in the near future) that’s taking a big chunk of my time. The new episode should be ready within the next few weeks Ran
Feb. 18, 2017:
THE AIDAN PROJECT: Talking about Malicious Assured Destruction – Cold War to Cyber War
I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed on THE AIDAN PROJECT podcast. Aidan and I discuss Ronald Reagan’s ambitious Strategic Defence Initiative, known as ‘Star Wars’, which came to prominence towards the end of the Cold War. We also look at ‘Mutual Assured Destruction’ – did the nuclear balancing act of the Super Powers mean that nuclear war was prevented? Listen to the interview –
Audio PlayerOct. 8, 2016:
Listen to Ran’s Interview On The Founder’s Report
Last week I was interviewed in The Founder’s Report Podcast – talking about how to create a successful podcast, and the importance of endurance and patience in the game of podcasting… Enjoy the interview! Ran
Oct. 4th: “How to Craft The Perfect Story”
As part of the 2016 Intl. Podcast Day, I gave a talk titled ‘How to craft the perfect Story’, in which I discussed the elements of a great story and how to enhance your storytelling with audio editing. The talk is suited not only to podcasters but also to writers, video creators and any form of media, really. View the video.
August 27th: Trivial Warfare
I recently had the pleasure of being a guest in the Trivial Warfare podcast, hosted by Jonathan Oakes, Chris Hollister & Carmela Smith. I teamed up with Chris for a tense and bloody (well, almost bloody) game of trivia… how did I do? You better listen.
August 25th: Watch Ran Levi talking about his experience with ‘Outbrain Amplify’
We recently Outbrain’s offices in New York. Outbrain is one of our long-term sponsors. We had a great listener’s meetup at their premises, and we were also honored to help Outbrain promote their great Content Discovery System, ‘Outbrain Amplify’, with Curious Minds as an example of the system’s capabilities.
June 21st, 2016: Listen to Ran’s interview in ‘Podcasters Unplugged’
Podcasters Unplugged is a show for people looking to start a podcast. Dusty Porter and I discussed various aspects of podcasting, including – how different is podcasting outside the US? How to monetize you podcast, and why podcasting is a marathon and not a sprint. Enjoy the interview!