Tag Archives: Evolution

Molecular Clock, Pt. 2: Y Chromosome | Curious Minds

A 2-parts series exploring one the most important innovations in Genetics: the Molecular Clock, a novel way to interpret random genetic mutations in every living creature – and deduce from them it’s evolutionary past. The series explores the scientific & theoretical foundation of the Molecular Clock, as well as the implications it had on our understanding of our own collective – and personal – pasts.

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Part II – Y Chromosome Adam

Molecular Clock, Pt. 2: Y Chromosome - Curious Minds PodcastThe male Y-Chromosome holds tantalizing clues about our own, personal past – but that past can turn out to be very troubling. Tatiana Zerjal’s research on DNA samples brought by Spencer Wells from Central Asia revealed uncomfortable truths, such as the extent of rape and murder in Genghis Khan’s Mongol empire. Do we really want to know the secrets our DNA holds?

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Molecular Clock, Pt.1: Mitochondrial DNA | Curious Minds

A 2-parts series exploring one the most important innovations in Genetics: the Molecular Clock, a novel way to interpret random genetic mutations in every living creature – and deduce from them it’s evolutionary past. The series explores the scientific & theoretical foundation of the Molecular Clock, as well as the implications it had on our understanding of our own collective – and personal – pasts.

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Astronomy & Space | Biology & Genetics | History | Information Technology | Medicine & Physiology | Physics | Technology

Part I – The Secrets of Mitochondrial DNA

Molecular Clock,Pt.1: Mitochondrial DNA - Curious Minds PodcastThe Molecular Clock technique was invented by Emile Zuckerkandl. Several decades later, Dr. Rebecca Cann, who examined samples of Mitochondrial DNA, made an amazing discovery: she confirmed the existence of a single  Mitochondrial Eve, and solved a Paleoanthropological mystery: Earth was once home to many different Human Species – from Homo Erectus to the Neanderthals. Yet today, they are all gone. When and how did the other humanoids disappear? The answer is hidden, of all places, in out DNA.

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